COVID-19’s effect on workers remains uncertain- AFL-CIO’s ‘Death on the Job’ report claims

According to the AFL-CIO’s annual report on the state of safety and health protections for U.S. workers, the full degree of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the nation’s workforce will presumably remain uncertain because of the lack of a comprehensive national system to gather the information.

At a May 4 press conference, Rebecca Reindel, the AFL-CIO Safety and Health Director, recognized that the Bureau of Labor Statistics states on its website that it won’t produce COVID-19 estimates.

The 30th edition of Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect which was released on May 4 – states that “employer reporting of COVID-19 cases still is mandatory only in a few states with specific standards or orders.”

“The Survey of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries relies on OSHA recordkeeping requirements, which mandates employers record certain work-related injuries and illnesses on their OSHA 300 log,” BLS says on its website. “While the SOII may capture some recordable COVID-19 cases reported by employers, the SOII will not produce estimates specifically covering COVID-19 illnesses.”

Additionally, BLS says on its website that fatal occupational illnesses (including COVID-19), “are out of scope for the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries unless precipitated by an acute injury.”

Reindel stated that she would like an OSHA emergency temporary standard related to COVID-19 would include reporting specifications.

“Strong reporting requirements would be something important in an emergency standard because this is an ongoing national emergency, and we need that real-time information in order to intervene,” she said. “It would be a critical element.”

Injury and fatality data

The fatality and injury data used in the report is the most recent available from BLS and precedes the pandemic.

In 2019, 5,333 workers died on the job, and 275 died each day from hazardous working conditions. The report estimated that 95,000 people died from occupational illnesses, which aren’t typically recorded by BLS.

The overall job fatality rate in 2019 was 3.5 per 100,000 workers, but Latino workers had a fatality rate of 4.2 per 100,000 – up from 3.7 in 2018. Also, Black workers had a higher fatality rate than the national average, at 3.6 per 100,000 workers.

More data from the report:

  • Workplace violence was the third leading cause of death (841), behind transportation incidents (2,122) and slips, trips, and falls (880). More than half of the workplace violence deaths were ruled homicides (454).
  • Workers 55 and older made up more than a third of the total fatalities, and those 65 or older had a fatality rate of 9.4 per 100,000 workers.
  • Alaska (14.1 per 100,000 workers) and Wyoming (12.0) had the highest fatality rates among states.
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting had the highest fatality rate among industries (23.1).

The report also makes note of the fact that OSHA’s corps of inspectors is “near its lowest number since the agency opened 50 years ago.” As of Sept. 30, the agency had 1,798 inspectors for 10.1 million workplaces under its jurisdiction.


Ways Employers Can Prevent Electrical Fires in the Workplace

There are more than 5,000 electrical-related fatalities reported annually in the United States. Poor electrical handling can lead to electrocution, and damaged property through fires. Employers are required by law to protect staff members from electrical accidents and other life-threatening situations. 

Here are some ways employers can start fireproofing the workplace: 

Administer regular electrical check-ups

Employers must contract an electrician and schedule regular maintenance checks. The electrician should test all devices used at the workplace and determine their efficiency and safety levels. The majority of electrical fires usually start from faulty appliances.

Have your electrician have a look at the fuses and circuit breakers. They are the last line of defense in case of an electrical short-circuiting. Due to their importance, you should only have reputable circuit breakers installed in your system.

 Exclusive energy outlets for high energy devices

High energy devices consume much power and can very easily overload sockets. Some such appliances include portable heaters, ovens, laundry machines, and any other heat-generating devices. They should have uniquely fitted power outlets with different power ratings to suit their high energy requirements.

Have your electric distribution blueprint on hand

Do you know the wiring layout of your workplace? Employers should at least have an easily accessible printed blueprint. This could come in handy during renovation or repairs. Commercial buildings are serviced by an electric distribution system with varying sizes and complexity. This system contains power fuses, circuit breakers, and transformers that adjust power levels when needed, and a blueprint shows you where these features are located.

Don’t chain multiple extensions

Many businesses make the mistake of daisy-chaining several power strips across the room. These power strips are not designed to handle another power strip’s power demands, and they can instantly overload when connected.

Unplug heat-producing devices

Heat-producing appliances are susceptible to fires when plugged into an electrical system for a lengthy amount of time. The process can overwork the system leading to overheating and sparking, risking a fire. It is recommended to keep all such devices unplugged when not in use.

Don’t use faulty appliances

Faulty devices such as sockets and power strips can cause short circuits in the system. Employers should have routine maintenance checks on all devices in the workplace and replace rusty ones.

Follow OSHA guidelines

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) obligates workplaces in the United States to meet a set of safety standards. If employers stick to the guidelines, electrical accidents would be greatly diminished. 

Train your staff on electrical safety

Most electrical fires are caused by employees’ ignorance or negligence. Adding comprehensive safety training to your employee package isn’t a bad idea. Additionally, trained employees can make better decisions that can save lives in case of a fire.