OSHA Hazard Communication Safety Guide

OSHA Hazard Communication Safety Guide

Hazard: Failure to recognize the hazards associated with chemicals can cause chemical burns, respiratory problems, fires, and explosions.


  • Maintain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical in the facility.
  • Make this information accessible to employees at all times in a language or formats that are clearly understood by all affected personnel.
  • Train employees on how to read and use the MSDS.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s MSDS instructions for handling hazardous chemicals.
  • Train employees about the risks of each hazardous chemical being used.
  • Provide spill clean-up kits in areas where chemicals are stored.
  • Have a written spill control plan.
  • Train employees to clean up spills, protect themselves and properly dispose of used materials.
  • Provide proper personal protective equipment and enforce its use.
  • Store chemicals safely and securely.

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